Our Newest CrossFit Coach

It’s about time we officially introduced our newest CrossFit trainer. Many of our members will be used to Mark by now, he’s settled into the gym and been getting to know everyone, but here’s a bit more about him and what he brings to 3D.

CrossFit Level 1 Trainer

Mark is a CrossFit Level 1 Coach and a qualified Level 3 PT. He started CrossFit as supplementary training for rugby and Thai Boxing, attempting his own open workouts in a Pure gym (don’t judge him for his life choices), before realising that he needed to join an actual affiliate if he was going to have a proper crack at it. After a year at his local CrossFit gym, a space opened up for a new coach. Fast forward a few years and Mark was ready for a new challenge, and that, guys, is he wound up at CrossFit 3D.

Why CrossFit?

Mark loves making people strong, not just physically, but the mental gains that come with consistent training. We all love a PB, but seeing the changes in all aspects of peoples’ lives, the ones that go beyond the gym walls, is what Mark finds most rewarding.

Anything else to tell us?

As well as CrossFit, Mark competed in Thai Boxing for five years and has also been involved in athletics, football and rugby league. He likes long walks, food and having his arse handed to him trying Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. In his own words, he’s ‘shite at it but enjoys being humbled by the experience’. He’s also shite at the drums but is learning to play anyway and likes to read when he’s not in the gym or watching Man Utd.

Mark consistently pushes himself in his own training and so will help you do the same in your CrossFit classes. No hiding at the back.

If you fancy trying one of Mark’s classes then come along for a free taster session first

Only 4 spots left in March!

️‍🔥 4 week trial ️‍🔥

Try CrossFit for 4 Weeks with no obligation for only £119 £79!


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Bring on the burpees.

Thinking of trying crossfit?

Now is the perfect time! Try our Limited 4 Week Trial and see if CrossFit is right for you.

️‍🔥 Hurry ️, we limit our spots to a maximum of 10 per month, so don’t miss out, enquire about CrossFit Now! ️‍🔥

We can’t wait to train with you!

Only 4 spots left in March!

️‍🔥 4 week trial ️‍🔥

Try CrossFit for 4 Weeks with no obligation for only £119 £79!