One month CrossFit trial

We listened to feedback about why people do and don’t sign up to CrossFit. We obviously love it and so we want everyone else to love it too. Which is why we decided to run a 30 day trial membership. The 30 days means you can try CrossFit for a month with no commitment to see if you catch the bug.

Why 30 days?

Life is mostly cyclical and we all generally stick to a routine of work, childcare, commitments at home and hopefully some socialising. An average month might look different for everyone but, for the most part, each month is similar to the next. We wanted to give new members the chance to fit CrossFit into this monthly routine so they can see that it’s manageable.

If you haven’t tried CrossFit before then the fear of the unknown can be a barrier. You might also have heard ridiculous stories about how hard CrossFit is and one single session won’t show you the complete CrossFit picture. Having a month to try lots of different workouts and get to grips with the various movements gives you enough time to see that CrossFit is completely accessible and that you love it.

Class Times

There are several coached classes throughout the day at 3D. They start at 6am and 7am and then there’s a lunch time class you can squeeze in at 12.30pm. Evening classes begin at 4.30pm and continue every hour until the last class at 7.30pm. There’s also Saturday and Sunday morning classes. Basically, there should be a class time to suit every schedule.

Open gym

If you can’t make a class then our gym floor is big enough for members to do their own workouts during ‘open gym.’ This is what it says on the tin; the gym is open and you can use it as part of your 30 day trial. There’s always a CrossFit trainer mooching about too if you do need some extra advice.

Then what?

When your 30 day trial is over, you can sign up to an Unlimited Membership and make CrossFit a part of your lifestyle. You’ll have learnt a lot of the movements and done several WODs, so you’ll know what you’re doing and be more confident. You’ll also have gotten to know the other members and have become part of the 3D community. If you’ve been training consistently over the month, you’re likely to have noticed some results and already be feeling fitter. Basically, you’ll be hooked.


Only 4 spots left in March!

️‍🔥 4 week trial ️‍🔥

Try CrossFit for 4 Weeks with no obligation for only £119 £79!


Visit us

Visit us anytime with no obligation to sign up or even join in straight away.

Bring on the burpees.

Thinking of trying crossfit?

Now is the perfect time! Try our Limited 4 Week Trial and see if CrossFit is right for you.

️‍🔥 Hurry ️, we limit our spots to a maximum of 10 per month, so don’t miss out, enquire about CrossFit Now! ️‍🔥

We can’t wait to train with you!

Only 4 spots left in March!

️‍🔥 4 week trial ️‍🔥

Try CrossFit for 4 Weeks with no obligation for only £119 £79!