Good choices at Christmas

We’re not going to be all bah humbug about indulging during December, but we do know that it can be harder to stay on track. Christmas typically means more socials and less mindful eating. We love a knees up as much as anyone else but it’s a shame to let one month impact all the other months of hard work you’ve been putting in. Here’s how we enjoy Christmas but still make good choices.

Plan ahead 

December can mean a change in routines with the extra nights out and so much good food on offer. Take a look at what you have coming up and plan in advance how you’ll manage it. This could mean looking at menus ahead of time, getting in some extra gym sessions to offset the extra meals or planning in a couple of low calorie days around big events. Even just setting a reminder not to order another Papa Johns after a night out can help keep you accountable.


Obviously! Make the most of any down time over December and head to the gym a bit more. The overindulgence of food and alcohol can start to make you feel lethargic so staying on top of your exercise routine will stave off any feelings of sluggishness. Consider increasing your output, for example, rowing an extra five minutes or lifting a heavier weight. These small gains will balance out extra calories, and once you’ve put in a shift at the gym you’ll be on an endorphin high anyway, and won’t need to get your kicks from another mince pie.

Be accountable

Now might be the best season to track your PBs and food consumption. Seeing it in black and white helps with motivation and mindfulness. If you don’t already then use an app to note what you eat and drink, and another to monitor your workouts. Another way to stay accountable is to buddy up. Having a gym buddy means you’re less likely to back out of a workout and you can encourage each other to sweat out any shots from the night before.

Drink water

Stay hydrated. That’s it. That’s the whole paragraph.

Protein UP

Protein fills you up. So if you’re heading out for another Christmas meal, or are tucking into a turkey butty, up the protein. Roast potatoes are a Christmas staple so let’s not be silly and cut out the good stuff. Just have a bit more protein up front to fill you up, and then you can still enjoy the trimmings.

Have a break

It’s Chrissstmmmaasssss! By all means be accountable, plan in advance and stick to your workout regime but, also, give yourself a break and enjoy the holidays. Set a very definite target to get back on the wagon in January. Having this goal in mind will help you to relax over the festive period and reassure you that you can spend all of January sweating it back out.

Don’t forget your burpees

Christmas day means 100 burpees. For time. Not even joking.

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