Our members tell us why they love CrossFit and what keeps them coming back. 

The Chinese proverb goes that “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Everyone who ever started CrossFit and fell in love with it, had once never done a WOD. The gym floor was completely  unknown and a ‘hang clean’ was just two words that made absolutely no sense. So what made our members sign up for their first session and what was it that kept them coming back?

“It’s Easy”

Ok, so when we say ‘easy,’ we don’t mean the WODs but many of our members joined because CrossFit is coached. You don’t have to motivate yourself to come up with a workout or wonder what to do at a gym, you stand in front of a qualified trainer and they tell you what to do. Minimum thinking time, maximum effort


One of the fundamental principles of CrossFit is that it’s constantly varied, which is what attracted a lot of our members. One of our newer members, Clare says “there is such a mixture of disciplines that there is generally something for everyone.” Long term member Alan backs this up; “I spent many years doing the same weight training routines, but I have found that crossfit has given me a much wider view on what I perceive as a perfect balance between fitness and strength.”

So, if you’re getting bored of the same old same old, CrossFit could be for you.

“It’s adaptable”

Picking up a barbell for the first time might feel scary, trust us, we’ve all been there, but the beauty of CrossFit is it can be completely scaled for everyone’s individual ability. Long time member Stuart told us, “all workouts are adapted for individual ability so I never feel intimidated”. You also get to track your progress, noting what weights you started out on, how long a particular WOD took you and seeing how far you’ve come.

“The Coaches”

A resounding reason for people sticking with CrossFit is the coaches. Every session is coached and our trainers genuinely want to see everyone working hard and achieving what they set out to. Member Kate said it best when she told us we have a “brilliant coaching team” while others said what keeps them coming back is the “well educated and friendly coaches.”


It wouldn’t be CrossFit without a group of people egging each other on to go the extra mile. Whether that’s the 6am club who never miss a morning or the Saturday class kicking off their weekend. Everyone commented on how welcoming, friendly and committed our members are, and how having a community to keep you on track helps keep motivation going.


Let’s be honest, not many people go to CrossFit just for sh*ts and giggles. There’s got to be something that pushes you through every Crossfit WOD and spurs you on to book another class and another and another. All of our 180 members joined CrossFit to be the healthiest, fittest version of themselves. Alongside mastering new skills and being accountable, our members are “fitter than they were in the 20s and 30s.” One dedicated 6am-er told us “the results of everyone who has committed to coming to the gym a few times per week is clear for all of their friends and family to see.”

Which we think is definitely worth giving up an hour of your day for.

Only 4 spots left in March!

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Bring on the burpees.

Thinking of trying crossfit?

Now is the perfect time! Try our Limited 4 Week Trial and see if CrossFit is right for you.

️‍🔥 Hurry ️, we limit our spots to a maximum of 10 per month, so don’t miss out, enquire about CrossFit Now! ️‍🔥

We can’t wait to train with you!

Only 4 spots left in March!

️‍🔥 4 week trial ️‍🔥

Try CrossFit for 4 Weeks with no obligation for only £119 £79!