Weird Ways to Get Through a WOD

Ever been part way through a chipper WOD and resorted to some weird tactics to finish it off? Or maybe you’re new to CrossFit, looking at the workout of the day on Boxmate and wondering how you’re gonna survive it. We’ve got you covered. Here are some of the ways Team 3D prepare themselves for the onslaught.

You gotta do what you gotta do so no judgement from us. But to reassure you all, we have kept it anonymous (the pictures are just for illustrative purposes promise).


By far the most popular way to get through a CrossFit WOD is to start applying some very specific maths. Everyone has their own way of dealing with the reps.

“I only ever count up to 20. So even if it’s 50 reps I refuse to count up to that and will just add 20+20+10. Anything over 20 just feels like forever.”

“If I start struggling I’ll count up to 5 over and over again.” This one might be decent for a rowing or a ski erg WOD we reckon.

“I break it into descending chunks, so 12-9 and then 8,7,6. So it’s less reps every time.’

Whether you’re tackling Fran or pushing through 50 TTB (toes to bar for the uninitiated) breaking it into smaller chunks is one of the best ways to manage it mentally.

You can also fix on a certain point in the distance and focus on that instead, like one of our newer members does.


Google actually has an answer for the question “Why do CrossFitters take their tops off?” 

Well according to CrossFit 3D members, it’s a legit technique to help take you through an intense WOD. 

Several of our members said they wear an extra layer so they can strip off at certain points. No prizes for guessing who, soz. Also, we all know that’s just a lie you tell yourself to get your kit off guys.


Potentially controversial because they’ll always be someone unhappy with the choice of tunes that are on during a WOD. (Shout out to Madders with the old skool garage though). The right song can be the only thing helping you finish a particularly brutal CrossFit WOD. 

“I get in tune with the beat so that when the beat drops I know I’ll smash it. The chorus is go time.”

“I sing along to the music to distract me from what I’m actually doing to myself.”


Not entirely sure what the title of this section should be. The more random things we do to get through a WOD were:

“I wiggle my toes three times before every lift.”

“I tell myself I’m not dead yet so keep going.”

“I call myself a little bitch”.”

And then there was the person who openly admitted they sandbag it and keep 30% in the locker. We’ll be watching.


There is no moral. There are no hard and fast rules for completing a CrossFit WOD, and if it works for you then we’re all for it. If anyone has anything weirder than wiggling their toes three times though, can you please please let us know. Thanks in advance. 


If you want to watch a gym full of people try to count to 50 whilst jumping over a box and lobbing barbells in the air, or you fancy seeing how you’d mentally deal with a CrossFit WOD, sign up to our 6 week trial today.

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