Unlocking Your Potential: How CrossFit 3D Can Transform Your Fitness Journey In Manchester

To the uninitiated, CrossFit may seem daunting. Visit any CrossFit gym and you’ll see people lifting heavy weights and performing gymnastics style movements; it looks unlike the gym floors that most of us are used to. What you don’t see is that each member has been on their own fitness journey. Whether they set out to get fit, transform their body or be healthier overall, there is a reason our members join CrossFit 3D and stick around. This guide will look at the ways in which CrossFit, and CrossFit 3D in Manchester, can transform your fitness journey and truly unlock your potential.   

Your Fitness Journey So Far

There’s probably a reason you’re researching CrossFit. You might be at the beginning of your fitness journey, or you might have reached a plateau and need some new motivation. People come to CrossFit 3D for any number of reasons but the ones we hear most often include:

  • Wanting to get fit – whether that’s losing weight or increasing endurance and stamina
  • Wanting to get stronger – often people who are already fit but want to progress to the next level
  • Boredom – to switch up what they have been doing and try something new
  • Other sports – CrossFit is a solid foundation for improving ability in other sports
  • Meeting people – not the most obvious but many people enjoy their fitness journey more when they have friends along for the ride

Whatever the reason you’re considering CrossFit, you’re clearly thinking about transforming what you’re already doing. If you’re looking to step up your fitness, Manchester’s CrossFit 3D could be the kick up the a**e you’re looking for. 

How CrossFit Transforms Fitness

CrossFit is a genuinely transformative concept. The overarching premise of CrossFit is that a constantly varied approach will enhance every aspect of physical fitness. The incredible variety of movements offered as part of a CrossFit WOD (workout of the day) challenges every muscle group and energy system equally. With CrossFit you don’t just get fit, you optimise the body’s ability to do just about anything by consistently stimulating, and thereby enhancing, several key fitness domains:

  • Cardiovascular and respiratory endurance
  • Stamina 
  • Strength
  • Flexibility
  • Power
  • Speed
  • Coordination
  • Agility
  • Balance
  • Accuracy

Some traditional workouts might isolate specific muscle groups or focus on one key area, such as cardiovascular health. CrossFit’s constantly varied workouts continuously challenge your body so it is forced to adapt and, in time, transform.

transform your fitness Manchester

What To Expect From Your New Fitness Journey

We’ve covered the how, so now you might be wondering what exactly a CrossFit WOD looks like and why it’s so good at targeting all of the things we mentioned above. A CrossFit WOD is programmed to be varied but structured. Each day the workout will be different, focussing on different movements and muscle groups. At CrossFit 3D we don’t periodise our programming; there’s no boring long haul training plan with a single end goal. We want to keep things fresh and interesting for our members with constantly varied training at the forefront of everything we do. A typical week in WODS will include:

Different Time Domains

Every CrossFit class is an hour long. That hour is typically filled with a warm up, some strength or skill work, and then a final round of metabolic conditioning. The last part can be anywhere from 10 to 40 minutes long. A 10 minute WOD, as you can imagine, is fast paced and often non stop. A 40 minute WOD, on the other hand, might involve periods of rest and heavier weights. Altering the time domains across a week of WODs means you regularly attack all of the body’s energy systems and, you guessed it, get fit.

Pushing & Pulling

Resistance training and weightlifting are integral to CrossFit. Whether it’s during the skill section or as part of a WOD. This is why you can expect some kind of pushing or pulling movements as part of any CrossFit workout. A heavy push day could involve bench presses or push ups, while a pull day could include deadlifts or pull ups. There’ll always be some leg work in there too. There’s no shirking if you don’t like specific movements. If you really want to transform your fitness journey with CrossFit then you’ll need to challenge every muscle group. 

High Intensity

CrossFit is known for its intensity. There’s no point hiding it. You will get sweaty and out of breath, and so will everybody else in your class. It’s part of the process. This is what maximises calorie burn and promotes cardiovascular fitness so that you get fit. You’ll also keep burning calories long after you’ve showered and sorted yourself out, so your metabolism gets transformed too. 

Skill Focus

We’ve mentioned a few times that CrossFit involves skill work. Noone is expected to turn up to CrossFit 3D and immediately know what a snatch is or how to do a chest-to-bar pull up. That’s why there is always some skill work included. A good CrossFit coach (like the ones at CrossFit 3D Manchester) will guide you through the movements and give you time to get to grips with them, noting your progression so that they can continuously help you to advance to each new stage. You’ll mess up. You’ll struggle. You’ll get the hang of some things straight away. It’s a fitness journey like no other, with unrivalled rewards.

Measurable Progress

Last, but absolutely not least, CrossFit is measurable. It’s normal to think that a transformation means changing the way you look, or even how you feel. CrossFit does that, but, more than that, it shows you how far you have come in your fitness journey beyond the usual metrics. You will hit personal bests, lift heavier weights than you thought you could and start finishing workouts faster. All of these things can be measured week on week, month on month and year on year, giving you a sense of accomplishment that reaches further than simply what you see in the mirror.

get fit in Manchester

Make CrossFit 3D Part Of Your Fitness Journey

We think that CrossFit is the best way to transform your fitness journey but it also sets you up for life outside of the gym. You’ll become adaptable, flexible and ready for anything. The passion we have for CrossFit, and for our members, is what makes us 3D. Our gym floor is 600 sqm, which is basically massive and means we can accommodate large classes and have plenty of equipment. It’s this that brings a lot of people through our door. 

The reason they stay, and make us a part of their individual fitness journey, is the calibre of coaching we offer, the variety of different classes, open gym opportunities, and, maybe most importantly, our community. When you find something that clicks, you want to keep doing it. CrossFit 3D will challenge and reward you in every way and in doing so, it will transform your fitness journey. 

Get in touch with us to find out how CrossFit 3D can help you get fit in Manchester, or sign up to our 6 week trial to see what all the fuss is about.

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