It might seem like CrossFit has a language of its own when you first join, but you’ll pretty quickly figure it out and be talking in acronyms yourself. Here’s a crash course in CrossFit terms and what they mean.
WOD: Workout of the Day
Really simple, this is just the specific workout we will be doing that day.
AMRAP: As many rounds as possible
Some workouts will be over a set time, say 15 minutes, and in that time, you have to complete as many rounds as possible of the set movements.
EMOM: Every minute on the minute
Another workout format. Your trainer will set out the movements for the WOD and you have to start a new round every minute on the minute. This one is non-stop!
RFT: Rounds for time
Complete the set number of rounds in as quick a time as possible. A good one if you’re competitive.
PB: Personal best
Pretty self explanatory but expect to start getting a lot of them.
RX: As prescribed
Each workout comes with a prescribed weight. All members can choose to scale this weight to match their abilities. If you do the workout using the weight that is prescribed, then you RX’ed it.
Double Unders:
Skipping but jumping twice at the turn of the rope, not just once. No judgement here for not doing double under.
Ass to Grass:
Getting as low as possible on your squat with correct form
Clean and jerk. Snatch. Deadlift etc etc etc etc
We could tell you what these are but we’d rather show you. There’s all kinds of movements you learn when you join CrossFit and they all start to become completely normal.